JournalIntroductions for Authors
KAB publish Journal annually
Introductions for Authors of
1996. 5. 31. Enacted / 2020. 6. 02. Revised
1. The members of the Korean Association for Buiatrics can submit manuscript for publication in Journal of the Korean Association for Buiatrics (JKAB).
2. The type of manuscript is the original article, case report, review, etc.
3. The Scientific Committee decides acceptance of the manuscript, and the accepted manuscript can be revised to the extent necessary.
4. Title page includes title, name of authors, name of affiliation, address, telephone number, E-mail, and major field of publication (eg, anatomy, etc.), acknowledgement, conflict of interests.
5. Manuscript of original article is described in the order of abstract, up to 5 keywords, introduction, material and method, results, discussion, conclusion, references, legends for figures, figures, and tables.
6. The case report is prepared in the order of abstract, up to 5 keywords, introduction, case, discussion, conclusion, references, legends for figures, figures, and tables.
7. Manuscript is typed in double space on A4 paper by Hangul or MS Word and submitted to the Chair of Scientific Committee.
8. English titles is written in lower case letters except for the first letter and proper nouns. There is not a dot after all English abbreviations (eg, C equi, Fig 2, Am J Vet Res et al, etc.)
9. The title and description of the table, figure, and photograph is written in English and only the first letter of the sentence is capitalized. The title of the table is at the top of the table and the title of the figure is indicated at the bottom of the figure. Comments and explanations are also indicated at the bottom.
10. Figures and tables are prepared and submitted as separated files from main manuscript .
11. SI units (eg, 1 mL, 0.5 g, 200 kg, 4 A, 1 mm, 0.5 ha, 1.0 kPa, 6 sec, etc.), numbers in Arabic numerals and scientific names in italics or with underline (_) are used in manuscript. Asterisk (eg, *, †, ‡) are used to mark the annotation as superscripts.
12. Results cannot be duplicated in tables and figures.
13. References are limited to the original articles, books, abstracts, and reviews published in academic journals.
14. The official abbreviation of journal is used in references, and the order of arrangement is numbered according to the order of citation. When a reference with two authors is quoted in the text, the last name of two authors are described. If there are more than three authors, add the last name of the first author and et al. References are marked as superscript (eg, Kim and Lee1 about the symptoms, and Smith et al2 are similar to lameness…….)
15. References are described as follows.
1) If there are more than 3 authors, regardless of the original article or book, write up to 3 authors and add et al.
  1. ① 유남선, 김종면, 송희종 등. 한우에서 면역조절세포의 활성에 관한 연구. 대한수의학회지 1987; 27: 253-258.
  2. ② Roy MJ, Suitz A. Dome epithelial M cells dissociated from rabbit-gut-associated lymphoid tissues. Am J Vet Res 1986; 47: 2577-2583.
  3. ③ Adams WM, Withrow SJ, Walshaw R, et al. Radiotherapy of malignant nasal tumors in 67 dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1987; 191: 311-315.
  4. ④ Weissinger J. Use of pharmacologic principle in regulation of drugs in food animals. Proc West Pharmacol Soc 1986; 29: 503-510.
  5. ⑤ Bachmann PA. Sporadic bovine encephalomyelitis (SBE). In: Howard JL, ed. Current Veterinary Therapy. 2. Food Animal Practice. WB Saunders CO, 1986; 499-501.
  6. ⑥ 윤석봉. 가축기본해부학. 3판. 서울: 문운당, 1985; 125-129.
16. This paper is issued once a year, but manuscripts are submitted through the year.
17. After acceptance of manuscript, publishing fee is asked $100 for original article and review, $60 for case report.