About the KABGreetings
Here is a brief guide to the information of The Korean Association for Buiatrics.
President of the KAB
Sunghwan LEE, PhD
The Korean Association for Buiatrics (KAB) aims to contribute to the improvement of bovine clinical treatment technology and the development of the livestock industry through academic research on the bovine diseases. Founded in 1996, it has developed for 27 years and stands tall in today's society.

With the passion and efforts of members of the society, it plays an important role in maintaining a safe and happy society by participating in the safe production of beef and dairy products, which are important for the people’s food, and control of infectious diseases.

Our society holds a regular academic conference every year, strives to strengthen its bovine clinical skills by distributing new technologies to members through a newsletter published every two months, and actively prepares for future diseases by incorporating these new technologies into the clinical field.

With the active participation of members, the KAB is leading Korea's veterinary clinical technology as the center of veterinarians specializing in bovine diseases, and we are doing our best to bring Korea's bovine clinical capabilities to the global level by successfully holding the World Buiatrics Congress in 2028.

Thank you again for visiting our homepage, and we ask for your continued interest and communication.

Sunghwan LEE, PhD, President of the KAB